How To Be a Beloved Programmer
In an increasingly toxic industry, programmers must be measured by their interpersonal skills as well as their technical skills.
I provide advice to help programmers understand and bridge the emotional gap to their coworkers and help them understand the value in being a good developer, not just a good programmer.
Scott LaGrasta - @NoGasta
Scott LaGrasta has more than 15 years of experience in game development, working in various roles on teams both large and small.
He is best known for his level design work on the Bioshock franchise, including "Dionysus Park" in Bioshock 2 and "Ops" in Minerva's Den, but has also worked behind the scenes as a build engineer at Tellltale Games.
He is currently employed at Ubisoft Massive as a Gameplay Programmer and has started a YouTube series called "Hello World" intended to deepen people's appreciation for - and understanding of - computers.
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